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Judgment Full Page M.jpg

For the face image, I inked the chipboard element from Dina Wakley's chipboard collection, and then applied small pieces of "eyes" and "lips" washi tape (also Dina's stash!).

This to me represented that judgment is all about what we see, and what we say!

The washi tape melded nicely around the chipboard image, so it made it pretty easy to apply!

I was feeling a far too judgmental one day, so I created this page to reflect that one person's truth (mine!) is not the only truth!

I inked up the background using oxide inks and then applied some stencils.

The "note to self" stamp came from a Close to My Heart set I've had for years and I stamped it on cardstock, trimmed it, and placed it at the top of the page.

I used two different "alphabet" sets (the script is from Concord & 9th, and the block text is a set I had from Michaels) to spell out the message (I used Staz-on ink to ensure it was bold and applied over the Oxide inked background).

Judgment Close Up M.jpg
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