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You know that saying - you learn something new everyday?

Well, today is ANOTHER learning day for me! A few days ago, I had posted an announcement about this weekend's all occasion card workshop, and when I mentioned it to a few people, they said they never saw the announcement. I couldn't figure out why some people got it and some didn't.

It turns out that the "automatic send" option on my blog, isn't quite as automatic as I thought! But, I think I have it sorted out now!

(For those of you who already got the announcement, sorry to send you another one, but thanks for your patience as I get this sorted out!)

Here are the cards we'll be making on Sunday, from 2 - 4 pm at the studio.

The cards are all bright-and-cheerful to chase away the blahs of winter and bring some floral warmth!

All supplies will be provided, including coordinating envelopes. The cost for this workshop is $25 including taxes.

If you haven't already signed up and want to attend, please email me in advance so I can reserve a spot for you.

Hope to see you there!

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