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I created this page at a workshop with Dina Wakley, here in BC.

We were supposed to "share the paints" but I got impatient waiting for "my colours," so I just grabbed what everyone else wasn't using.

Dina introduced me to the concept of what I call "paper-piecing" of stamped images.

Here, we stamped the silhouette images onto cardstock, and then again onto patterned paper.  We cut out the "dress" from the patterned paper stamped image and glued it onto the cardstock image.  That assembled image was then cut out and adhered to the page.  Fabulous technique that I now use quite a lot!

The full two-page spread is shown below.

Another cool technique was to take a number of tags (shown on the right page) and trim them off at different heights.  You then affix them in an accordion-style using washi tape and apply inks, stencils, and adhere additional images and wording to them.  This is a great way to extend the possibilities of a page, beyond the page boundaries!

Get Your Story Page Layout M.jpg
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